Tesla's Anti-Handbook Handbook – Elon, you’ve nailed it.

I must admit I was curious to read this recently leaked handbook. As someone with over a decade of experience in the corporate world, I've seen my fair share of dull as dishwasher employee comms. And when they aren't just a regurgitated policy, they err on the side of being too try-hard. Like a parent of a teen trying to use Snap Chat.

This anti-handbook is not that. It's a no b/s guide to the culture at Tesla. It contains only as much political correctness as they can legally get away with. Whatever your opinion of Musk and Tesla, it's impossible to be unimpressed with his drive to do things differently.

Here's how I think they've absolutely nailed this piece of writing.

They’re not just telling, they’re showing.

Innovation is one of the first adjectives you’d link to Tesla, so it’s fitting the book should start with "We're Tesla, we're changing the world, we're willing to rethink everything." And they’re proving it to you, by example of this Anti-Handbook handbook.

They’re touching the inner-most emotions of the reader

We imagine that Tesla employees are natural problem solvers, scientists, engineers and creatives. People who, you might argue, have always felt a little different. They speak directly to that attribute. “We’re different and we like it that way.” They’re embracing it, welcoming it, and confirming - if you're different, you're in the right place. An emotional connection is the foundation of all good writing.

They’re flipping trust on its head

Brands know we need to trust them in order to make a purchase. But interestingly, Tesla don’t reference their trustworthiness, but that of the employee. In order to gain buy-in. “We give everyone who joins our team a lot of trust and responsibility. We operate with the assumption that everyone will do the right thing, including you.” The fact they are worthy of your trust is a given.

They’re driving action

Accountability is the most consistent theme running through the handbook. As an employee you are accountable; for doing the right thing, communicating, seeking feedback, keeping safe and being a reliable team member. “’No one told me’ is an excuse that will never fly here.” They can and do expect you to behave like a good human being that strives for excellence.

They’re purposeful

Every paragraph is linked to the company’s higher purpose of accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy. This is meaningful work that will impact humanity, and everyone is expected to be aligned with this mission.

“We can’t afford to waste our time dealing with stupid stuff when we have so many important things to get done.” There’s a sense of urgency. “Your #1 job – everyone’s #1 job – is making this company a success.” So we can save the world! It's made perfectly clear from the tone of this book, that if you're unable or unwilling to meet these standards for the greater good, there's no home for you here. And potentially you are a fuckwit.

These four pages (which should be the benchmark length for any employee handbook) prove it’s totally possible to deliver important messages in an imaginative, fun and smart way.

You can view the pages of the handbook here.

If you’ve had a read, let me know what you think of it. Drop a comment below or on my IG post.